Love and Music are universal languages that are understood by anyone. You might in search of a love song about him or about her. Music can be the perfect way to express your emotions. Where words, rhyme, and emotions are blend beautifully. Even you are on the search for adding best love songs to your playlist or waiting for a warm night to dance with your partner. Here you can get the idea of the best 80s love songs, 90s love songs, and love songs of all the time. That will make your mood romantic than ever.
Personally I love to play songs on my road trips and even update the playlist with the best motivational songs, top love songs, and even some erotic genre works. Jeeeezzzzz!
Perfect By Ed Sheren
The songs take me into a dream world, where I am imagining to dance with my partner. Girls and Bouts beware! This song will teach you the true meaning of love. This song has gain millions of views on the internet. Beyond that, you can also go with Beyonce version of Perfect where Ed Sheren and Beyonce sing the two roles.

Endless Love by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross
In the canon of greatest duets of all time, Diana Ross and Lionel Richie’s 1981 Motown classic, a love ballad that explains itself in its title, is tops. And that’s no hyperbole.

Halo by Beyonce
Beyonce has gathered more girl fans than any other icon. Though I am the one. Listening to her songs is always a tops turvy to the world. The song has shown the beautiful story of a girl where she found true soulmate of her life and show immense trust in someone even breaking her all limits and rules that she created for herself. Power of love, the magic of nimbus.

“Still Learning,” by Halsey
Some times love is not only about a romantic partner. A special love we all cherish in the modern era is self-love. This song will definitely let you hug yourself. And next time when you feel low and want to attract self love in your life. Just go with “Still learning”. a song about loving yourself that is somehow not cheesy? Round of applause.
Love Again by Dua Lipa
Don’t get crazy over past breakups. God has surprises for you. Next time remember to listen to this song, I know recovering from a broken heart is hard work. Dua Lipa’s “Love Again” captures the low-key astonishment that comes from finding a new person to love when you didn’t think you ever would.
After all, life is all about uncertainty You never know what’s going to happen.
“Rare,” by Selena Gomez
Again another song of self-love and continuously reminding yourself that you should keep your ambitions high. Ad yes you deserve better on each path of life. Kudos to Selena Gomez
“Bigger Love “ by John Legend
Okay, listening to the song and after watching the video you will completely appreciate the true essence of love. Love is everywhere, from your mom’s call, to dancing your partner moments and even playing with your kids or hugging your best friend.

This song puts a positive spin on 2020 (what we’ve seen of the year so far, at least) and will make you feel both inexplicable warmth and sorrow.
Someone like you by Adele
Adele Voice is soothing and have magic in her voice. The lyrics of “Someone like you” are pretty sweet. Especially girls, you can think to open your hear out. With this beautiful song.
Let me know the best love songs that you often listen. Comment below