Buddhist Books is really a collection of different philosophies, school of thoughts, vary from Zen to Mahayana which helps you to live a happy life on the planet earth beyond all the sufferings.
If you are someone on the path to enlightenment or just want to improve yourself each day. And to feed yourself with some good books. Here you land into the right article.
Do you know? Buddhism is one of the world’s oldest religion. The legendary history of Buddhism is the story of one man’s spiritual journey to enlightenment.
Buddhists even want to reach nirvana or enlightenment, a state of transcendence free from suffering, desire, and all the external sufferings.
The history of Buddhism is the story of one man’s spiritual journey to enlightenment and fine ways of living that developed from it.
I know this thing seems a little skeptical sometimes, not because they are. Maybe because we haven’t developed such kind of wisdom yet.
At least I haven’t.
Different from Hinduism, Christianity Buddhism doesn’t preach for religion’s basic tenets.
In childhood, I have heard some stories of Siddharta and some thoughts Buddhism preach. But never get a chance to explore in detail.
Though if you are someone who wants to explore Bushism, one of the best things you can do is to go and check out the best buddhist books that both practitioner and spiritual seek themselves use to learn the ancient philosophy. Though keeps a great value in the modern world too.
Real Happiness
Real happiness is written by one of the most renowned Buddist teachers from Sharon, soon become the New York bestseller book.
If you are looking to start a meditation practice and trying to find motivation. This can be a good read for you. Meditation has done the miracle to many lives from increasing mindfulness to improve the capacity of open to everything. It’s a door to true happiness.

Even some of the people I know have personally recommended this as this gives the insight of some life-changing effects.
Radiant Mind
One of the best book I have come across with “Your beauty comes from a radiant source within you, and you are a magnet for all that is good“.
This book is a collection of all the important teaching of Buddhism which edited by Jean Smith.
Though the book is well conceptualized on the form of commentaries and interpretation from Buddhist Leaders like Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, and many more.

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom
A good way to start your journey with the world of Buddhism. A quickstart for beginners. Though the books even include the story of Prince Siddharta where the origin of Buddhism literally starts.

From beliefs of Buddhism to quotes of great teachers, practical instruction on how to meditate, and more. The book is a complete encyclopedia guide to the Buddhism.
Mindfulness in Plain English
XD….this is one of the good titles, I have ever come across with. We often heard of the word mindfulness, and certainly, it’s one of the best aspects of life. But how many of us literally understand this.
Though I really want to explore the concept from an expert point of view and definitely would love to give it a try.
Being Upright
The book offers a new kind of ethics based on compassion.
And also teach some important aspects of life like not stealing, not lying, and much more.

Reb Anderson first introduces us to the fundamental ideas of Zen Buddhist practice.
The heart of Buddha’s teaching
Nhat Hanh introduces us to the core teachings of Buddhism and shows us that the Buddha’s teachings are accessible and applicable to our daily lives

Probably that’s the reason even in the advanced era of technology, somewhere we are seeking spirituality and trying to awaken us for the real purpose of our lives. And also reading Buddhist books.
Thich Nhat Hanh shows us the connection between personal, inner peace, and peace on earth.”
On the Path to Enlightenment
One of the famous work of Matthiew Ricard. The book is full of selected teachings taken from the sources of the traditions, including the Buddha himself, Nagarjuna, and also some of the great masters of the past, including Thogme Zangpo, the Fifth Dalai Lama, Milarepa, and also from contemporary masters, including the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and Mingyur Rinpoche.
The most fascinating part about the book is the topics that are truly enlighting such as the nature of the mind; the foundations of taking refuge, generating altruistic compassion, view, meditation, and action; and how to remove obstacles and make progress on the path
Probably some of the important aspects which led us to a fulfilling life.
When things fall apart
One of the best advice I ever got in difficult times is to be courageous.
The book is a treasury of wisdom for going on living when we are overcome by pain and difficulties.
Maybe all of us has our ups and downs. Sometimes we go through happy moments and sometimes they are just heartbreaking.
Author Pema Chodron discusses some of the important aspects of life-like.
- Using painful emotions to cultivate wisdom, compassion
- Communicating so as to encourage others to open up rather than shut down
- Ways for creating effective social action
The sound of Silence
Ajahn Sappealing, American-born teacher and founder of the first Theravada monastic community in the West.
I found the title very appealing gift we can gift to ourselves is to stay in silence, stay quite.
The talks collected in this volume preserve his warm, humorous style, and reflect his flexible view of teaching as “presenting things for you to investigate.”
These spontaneous talks are accessible, but they require attention.
Open heart, Open Mind
Written by one of the most beloved of the contemporary generation of Tibetan Buddhist meditation masters. Of course my list of Buddhist books is incomplete without this.
Many of us often crave for a life that is free from pain, fear, doubt, insecurities, bad habits. We all want courage, love, confidence, wisdom, wealth, health, happiness in our life. At least I do.
The book explains that such a life is not only possible: it’s our birthright. Within each of us resides a spark of unparalleled brilliance, an unlimited capacity for warmth, openness, and courage, which Rinpoche identifies as “essence love.”
I definitely going try this book and yes love more.
Let me know some of the best buddhist books that you have read this year. And what has been your learning from that. Comment below